Friday, December 03, 2004

Join a peace protest flash mob

Flash mobs: SO five minutes ago. But they're still fun. And they've come to DC!

Thank you for your interest in the First DC Flash Mob.

Please make sure you are available between 12 noon and 4 pm on Saturday December 11th, 2004.
Spread the word to those you trust and have them send an e-mail to or

What is a flash mob?
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public (or semi-public) place, do something unusual or notable, and then disperse. Traditionally, flash mobs have had no political connotations, however, this one will be different. All members of a flash mob simultaneously converge in the same predetermined place at the exact same time; they then perform a prearranged action (such as a chant), and disperse into different directions just as suddenly as they had appeared. This normally takes less than 5 minutes and no interaction occurs between any of the participants.

More information about the details of this particular flash mob will be made available soon.


Blogger Anonymous Scout said...

I found your site while I was blog surfing and you blog seems well produced and very articulate.

What do you feel are the most worthy causes for flash mobs? What would they change? Is their only goal to attract attention to yourself?

6:57 PM  

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