Friday, October 14, 2005

Weekend assortment

Free kirtan at Inspire Yoga tonight with Dave Stringer...

Musical performance at Dumbarton Oaks, my favorite garden in DC, on Saturday night...

I'm teaching a workshop on building a yoga home practice on Sunday afternoon at Studio Serenity....

Indian virtuoso Ravi Shankar performs at the Strathmore Theatre with his daughter Anoushka Sunday night...


Blogger kidchicago said...

This isn't blogspam, I promise!

I only ever met you once, and only for a minute, but reading this has made me miss you. Not "you" you, 'cause I don't even know you, and therefore can't possibly (probably) miss you, but I miss the friends I used to know who were a bit like you seem to be: creative, grounded, playful, friendly, fun. Write me sometime and we'll do Fun Things in D.C. together. I'd like to see this garden you're always writing about before Fall turns to Winter. Patrick. (kidchicago [at]]

12:42 PM  

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